Alexander Hamilton: Why is He so Popular Today?

By · Nov 6, 2020 · 2 min read

Alexander Hamilton continues to be in the spotlight among Americans due to his historical contributions and the Broadway Musical that drew the attention of thousands of Americans. 

Who is Hamilton?

Hamilton was born in the 1750s on the Caribbean Island of Nevis. He was known as an excellent writer, which is what aided him in traveling to America to study at King’s College (Columbia University) in the 1770s. Furthermore, he fought in the Revolutionary War. After leading a company in the Continental Army, and fighting in multiple battles, HISTORY notes that General George Washington offered him a position on his staff. In 1781 Hamilton led the attack at the Battle of Yorktown which was the last battle in the War. 

His Influence Surrounding the U.S Constitution

The New York Legislature appointed Hamilton to the Continental Congress where he continued to express support for a strong central government. Also, while serving in Congress he criticized the Articles of Confederation for its lack to unify the country. After being officiated as a delegate to a convention in Annapolis, Maryland in 1786, it was Hamilton who suggested carrying out another meeting the following year in Philadelphia. He drafted the address to the states for this famed meeting known as the Constitutional Convention. James Madison and John Jay joined Hamilton in publishing prominent essays promoting the Constitution, which Hamilton wrote 51 of the 85 essays. These became known as the Federalist Papers.  

As Secretary of Treasurer

When George Washington was elected as the first president of the U.S in 1789, he appointed Hamilton to be the Secretary of the U.S Treasury. Hamilton emphasized the significance of developing financial stability in the country. He argued that the National Banking System and the federal government’s assumptions of state’s debts should be a primary focus. His influence aided in the success in the development of the First Bank of the U.S. 

Hamilton’s Popularity

Across the country statues of Hamilton are found at universities, like Columbia University, and cities have been named after him like Hamilton, Massachusetts. His legacy continues. However, the release of the Broadway play of Hamilton in 2015 significantly heightened his popularity and is one of the reasons why he is still popular today.  The theatrical performance gives the audience an insight into the life of the American Founding Father. According to The Guardian, “It has sold $1 billion worth of tickets – and won every theatrical prize (including the Pulitzer Prize for drama)”.  In addition, other sources like the biography Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow and an HBO miniseries about him have also contributed to his popularity. 

The combination of the pop culture surrounding him and his historical contributions as a Founding Father is ultimately what allowed him to stay on the $10 bill. In 2016, the $10 bill was going to be amended to remove Hamilton and display 5 women key leaders in the women’s suffrage movement. However, Fortune reports that many Americans, specifically historians and fans of the musical, vocalized their belief about maintaining Hamilton on the bill. As a result, Hamilton remains on the $10 bill. 



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