Jon Ossoff

This image belongs to Anupam Chakravarty and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.


Jon Ossoff is an investigative journalist who has served as the CEO of Insight TWI, an investigative media organization, since 2013. He was educated at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and the London School of Economics.

Status and Position

Former Candidate of N/A

Political Party and Jurisdiction

Democrat, N/A


Election Jurisdiction

Started Campaign

Campaign Status

Poll Rankings (of the vote)

2020 Senate Election Georgia 1 Georgia 1 Yes Running 44.0%

Campaign Financing

Ossoff's campaign was able to raise more than $1 million despite a relatively low average contribution. Top industry contributions to his campaign come from retirees and from education.

Voting Rights

Ossoff has called for a "New Voting RIghts Act" because of the apparent failure to guarantee the privilege to vote among all Georgians and, by extension, all Americans.

Opinions on Issues




Universal Healthcare For He is supportive of healthcare for all.
Ossoff maintains that every single citizen in the US should have access to healthcare. He does not want to repeal the Affordable Care Act and contends that for many people with pre-existing conditions, the ACA is the only reason that they now have access.
Socialized Healthcare For Ossoff believes that socialized healthcare programs should be a part of our healthcare system.
Private Healthcare Against Ossoff argues that we have to prioritize people, not private healthcare companies.
LGBT Rights For He promotes LGBT rights.
Ossoff has vowed to help push the Equality Act. In addition to the bill in Congress, he would like to see federal statutes amended to explicitly protect LGBT people from discrimination.
Taxes For He opposes tax cuts.
Ossoff has denounced Trump's tax bill for its clear bias toward cutting taxes for the wealthy. He argues that the true cost of these tax cuts are generally experienced by the middle class. He would like to see a tax increase on the top marginal income tax bracket.
Flat Tax Rate Against Ossoff is unsupportive of a flat tax rate.
Ossoff has denounced Trump's tax bill for its clear bias toward cutting taxes for the wealthy. He argues that the true cost of these tax cuts are generally experienced by the middle class. He would like to see a tax increase on the top marginal income tax bracket.
Abortion For He is pro-choice.
Ossoff has promised to defend Roe v. Wade. Despite GOP efforts in his home state of Georgia to ban abortion, he proclaims that Roe v. Wade shall remain the law of the land.
Gun Control For He supports gun control.
Ossoff sees the need to enact gun safety reform in order to address gun violence. In addition to background checks and closing the gun show loophole, he would like to ban the sales of semi-automatic guns and high capacity magazines.
Assisted Suicide Unknown He has not taken an explicit stance on assisted suicide.
Ossoff sees the need to enact gun safety reform in order to address gun violence. In addition to background checks and closing the gun show loophole, he would like to ban the sales of semi-automatic guns and high capacity magazines.
Government Interference For Ossoff supports government interference.
Planned Parenthood For Ossoff has been endorsed by the Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
Welfare For He advocates for welfare.
Ossoff sees welfare programs as a means of guaranteeing the livelihood of vulnerable citizens such as the elderly. He has promised to defend and expand welfare programs such as Social Security.
Welfare Unknown He does not have a strong opinion on stem cell research.
Death Penalty Against He opposes the death penalty.
Ossoff sees protection from capital punishment as a civil right. He would make efforts to move towards death penalty abolition.
Mandatory Prison Sentence Against He would work to end mandatory minimum prison sentences.
Military Spending Against He has proposed a plan to cut wasteful defense spending.
War on Terrorism Against He sees much of the US' military involvement as wasteful.
Foreign Policy International Interaction Unknown He does not have a clear position on international interaction and associated trade barriers.
United Nations power Unknown He does not have an opinion on the legitimacy of the United Nations.
Nationalism Against Ossoff is unsupportive of extreme nationalism.
Free Markets Against He does not advocate for free markets.
Ossoff sees a need for a mixed economy rather than blindly trusting in the free market. Therefore, he sees the need for significant intervention such as taxes.
Brexit Unknown He has not taken a stance on Brexit.
Affirmative Action Unknown He has not expressed an explicit stance on affirmative action.
Government Spending For Ossoff has stated that investment in areas such as clean energy and infrastructure as a way to create jobs and spur economic growth.
Charter Schools Unknown His position on charter schools is unknown.
Common Core Unknown He does not have a position on Common Core.
Clean Energy For He promotes renewable energy.
In part of Ossoff's spending plan, he sees clean energy as a key investment. He sees this as a way to help the economy and address climate change.
Religious Freedom Against He does not support religious freedom.
Ossoff predicts that an advancement in religious freedom legislation will surely sacrifice LGBT rights. Thus, he has priorities other than religious freedom.
Separation of Church and State For He supports the separation of church and state.
Slavery Reparations For Ossoff has backed Democrats in pursuing a study of possible reparations.
Border Control Against He is unsupportive of increased border security.
Ossoff has stated that "we build bridges not walls." In following this belief, he sees the construction of a physical wall as wasteful. He would like to see increased efforts to expand paths to citizenship.
Passenger Profiling Unknown He has not taken a stance on this issue.
DACA Unknown He has not publicly supported or opposed DACA.
Sanctuary Cities For He supports sanctuary cities.
Legalizing Marijuana For Ossoff sees the prohibition of marijuana as disastrous.
This image belongs to Anupam Chakravarty and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

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