Ted Cruz


Ted Cruz studied public policy at Princeton University and earned his J.D. from Harvard University. He previously served as Solicitor General of Texas and is currently a U.S. Senator from Texas.

Status and Position

Current US Senator of Texas

Political Party and Jurisdiction

Republican, Texas


Election Jurisdiction

Started Campaign

Campaign Status

Poll Rankings (of the vote)

2024 Senate Election Texas 2 Texas 2 No N/A N/A

Campaign Financing

Almost eighty percent of Ted Cruz's campaign financing comes from small and large individual contributions. The top contribution comes from the Senate Conservative Fund.

Voting Rights

He does not yet have a clear stance on voting rights.

Opinions on Issues




Universal Healthcare Against He opposes universal healthcare.
Cruz does not believe that health care should be managed by the government. He would like the free market to dictate the health care system.
Socialized Healthcare Against He is unsupportive of socialized healthcare.
Private Healthcare For He argues that private entities would create competitive pricing and more choices.
LGBT Rights Against He does not promote LGBT rights.
Cruz maintains the belief that sexual orientation is a choice. He opposes gay marriage and civil unions.
Taxes Against He is against taxes.
Cruz sees taxes as an overreach of American government. He advocates for a 10% flat income tax rate. He would like to abolish the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Flat Tax Rate For Cruz's tax plan involves a 10% flat tax rate.
Cruz sees taxes as an overreach of American government. He advocates for a 10% flat income tax rate. He would like to abolish the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Abortion Against He is pro-life.
Cruz believes that the sanctity of life should be held as a high priority. He has been endorsed by Texas Right to Life, a pro-life advocacy group.
Gun Control Against He opposes gun control legislation.
Cruz stands behind the Second Amendment. As a "constitutional conservative," he sees this freedom as non-negotiable.
Assisted Suicide Against Cruz is not in favor of patient-assisted suicide.
Cruz stands behind the Second Amendment. As a "constitutional conservative," he sees this freedom as non-negotiable.
Government Interference Against Cruz would like to eliminate the Department of Education, Department of Commerce, Department of Energy, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development in order to limit the control the government has.
Planned Parenthood Against He is pro-life.
Welfare Against He opposes government spending in the form of welfare programs.
Cruz is a proponent of free markets without government intervention. He thus sees welfare as an overreach of the federal government.
Welfare Unknown He does not yet have a public stance on this issue.
Death Penalty For He advocates for capital punishment.
Cruz has been vocal in his support of the death penalty, especially in his home state of Texas. He even stated his disapproval of the pope's stance against the death penalty.
Mandatory Prison Sentence Against Cruz has helped introduce legislation to bring down mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent offenders.
Military Spending For He is supportive of increased military spending.
War on Terrorism For Cruz argues that a strong US military presence internationally is crucial for national security interests.
Foreign Policy International Interaction For He supports international interaction.
Cruz is a vocal advocate of free trade. He sees lower trade barriers as a means of increasing the potential of domestic exports and imports at home. He believes this leads to greater economic growth.
United Nations power Against Cruz has criticized the United Nations.
Nationalism For Cruz advocates for traditional American values.
Free Markets For He supports free markets.
Cruz argues that less government intervention is better for the economy. He sees this as incentivizing investment and entrepreneurship.
Brexit For Cruz has released a statement standing behind the Brexit referendum result.
Affirmative Action Against Cruz believes that affirmative action focuses too much on race and too little on merit.
Government Spending Against As a fiscal conservative, Cruz does not advocate for government spending.
Charter Schools For Cruz sees charter schools as providing more opportunities for education.
Common Core Against He opposes Common Core Standards.
Cruz sees Common Core standards as a sign of the growing influence that the federal government has on the education system. In addition to eliminating the Department of Education, Cruz would like to drastically reduce the role of the federal government in education.
Clean Energy Nuanced He is not necessarily for or against clean energy.
Cruz believes that clean energy could be a part of growing the economy. However, he argues that fossil fuel companies should not actively be regulated.
Religious Freedom For He is supportive of religious freedom.
In his efforts against LGBT rights, Cruz has argued in favor for people's religious interpretation of marriage. He believes businesses should be able to freely practice their own religion.
Separation of Church and State For Cruz has stated that he values the separation of church and state.
Slavery Reparations Unknown He does not have an explicit stance on reparations.
Border Control For Cruz supports increased border security.
The Senator states that our first priority should be to secure the border. He would like to build a physical wall.
Passenger Profiling Unknown He does not have a strong stance on passenger profiling.
DACA Against He does not believe that amnesty should be granted to specific illegal immigrants.
Sanctuary Cities Against He opposes federal funding of sanctuary cities.
Legalizing Marijuana Nuanced Cruz believes the decision to legalize marijuana should be left up to the states.

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